A few words about company
Visa Spa is a leading Italian company that designs and manufactures generating sets and power stations and has been successfully present in the market since 1960. With its network currently present in more than 100 countries in the world, Visa SpA offers the most suitable solutions with a high standard of quality and technology in many areas and countries.
“ONIS VISA” gensets and power stations, ranging from 9 to 3.000 kVA, are completely manufactured in Italy and offer the best technological and quality features.
Thanks to a research and development team of engineers, who are completely dedicated to designing customized solutions and developing special and sophisticated projects for more complex applications, Visa SpA can support its clients assuring the highest quality solutions.
The range of ONIS VISA Generating sets and stand-by power generators are used to ensure the functionality of critical systems, the running of production, or a controlled shut-down and electrifying the main services of a building.
The ONIS VISA generating sets can be used as prime power to produce electricity at remote areas where access to the electric grid is unfeasible or impossible.
The Generating Sets range that can be personalized and applied to in order to adapt to the various different industry sectors, are the ideal choice for demanding users.

Industrial gensets, motorpumps and lighting towers product range (EN)

60Hz 208-440-480V PRODUCTS RANGE -ES-


Get in touch with us
Street address: 210 Franklinou Rousvelt., P.O.Box 55515 Limassol CY-3780 Cyprus
Opening Hours:
09:00 – 13:00 & 16:00 – 18:30 GMT+2:00
Contact details:
T.(+357) 25 – 103840
M.(+357) 99 – 495150
F.(+357) 25 – 660090
E.[email protected]